There is no English Preparatory requirement in my department, can I study English in Preparatory School? Yes!
In today's business world, knowing English means that you can start your professional career 1-0 ahead and take part in much more qualified jobs. You can learn English in the best way at Ostim Technical University Preparatory School with our qualified academic staff and the teaching programs we have developed with the philosophy of “One language one person, two languages two people.”
In line with the decision taken by our board of trustees in order to raise qualified graduates and support foreign language education, a 25% discount on tuition fees for undergraduate programs and a 25% discount for associate degree programs will be applied to our students who receive Optional Preparatory Education. Students enrolled in Ostim Technical University Turkish Undergraduate Departments and Vocational School Departments can register for "Optional English Preparatory" education by filling out the petition sample below and submitting it to the Department of Foreign Languages.
Please click here for the Optional Preparatory petition sample.