Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş, Deputy General Manager of Aselsan and Faculty Member of the Department of Business Administration of our University guides young people preparing for business life and those at the beginning of their career steps with his book 'Hayatta İş – İşte Hayat'.

Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş has rich content with his experiences in both academic and business life, and the subject of adaptation to business life is expressed from a different perspective by combining it with experiences.

Karataş, who expressed some matters in the content of the book extraordinarily, stated that he created content in his book by using plain language as much as possible without overwhelming his readers with theory and without distracting them from practice. Stating that searching for a job in life to hold on to life and searching for life at work to hold on to work is a common problem for everyone, Karataş said, "Life fills us, and we fill life. " The quality of the gaps we fill in life also shows our quality. "I hope 'Hayatta İş – İşte Hayat' will fill a meaningful gap in the minds and hearts of our readers."

Our Rector, Prof. Dr. Murat Yülek shared the following opinions about the book of Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş, who is also a faculty member of the Department of Business Administration of our University: "With this book, Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş has signed a valuable work that gives practical tips for a career development process based on values in business life. I congratulate Prof. Dr. Hakan Karataş, who has conveyed more than 20 years of academic and professional experience to young people in an easy-to-understand, plain language. I wish young people to benefit from this work."