The Foreign Languages Department aims to facilitate language learning for university students who require language competence and skills necessary for an academic education in their chosen departments and later on in their careers. In English undergraduate programs, the language of instruction is 100% in English and preparatory education is compulsory. In associate degree programs and Turkish undergraduate programs, the language of instruction is Turkish and English Preparatory School is optional with a tuition fee. Freshmen students take a Placement exam. Students are placed in levels according to their Placement exam results. Students who do not take the Placement exam begin their studies at the lowest level course. Students who want to exempt from Preparatory School take the Proficiency exam. If they score 60 in the Proficiency Exam, they are exempt from the Preparatory School. These exempt students start their department courses and take ENG-Academic English courses. If students score lower than 60 in the Proficiency exam, they are registered in the Preparatory School and placed in classes.
English Preparatory School Introduction
The English Preparatory Program consists of 4 levels: A1 (elementary), A2 (pre-intermediate), B1 (intermediate), and B2 (upper-intermediate). The normal education period in the preparatory class is one academic year, and the maximum education-training period is two academic years. The course / level in which students will study is determined according to the results of the placement exam held at the beginning of the academic year. Results are announced on the website of OSTIM Technical University, in the Department of Foreign Languages (Preparatory School), in the announcements section.
Important note: Our students should follow the announcements section on our website to learn about schedules, classes, and any other details regarding their education at the preparatory school.