
2021 Public Activities


Public Educational Activities for students under age of 18 (2020-2021 Educational Year).

City/School Seminar Subject Date
Batıkent TAB Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions  13.01.2021
Ortadoğulular Kurs Merkezi How to Live a Productive Life 15.01.2021
ÖZEL SAYE ANADOLU LİSESİ What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 19.01.2021
Nermin Mehmet Çekiç Anadolu Lisesi Working as a Freelancer in the Digital World 20.01.2021
Zonguldak / Devrek Anadolu Lisesi Cyber Bullying  21.01.2021
SERHAT TAB KOLEJİ What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 22.01.2021
Ankara Yunus Emre Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Robots in our lives 11.02.2021
Zonguldak / Devrek Anadolu Lisesi Cyber Bullying  12.02.2021
Elmadağ İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Elmadağ ilçesinde bulunan tüm lise öğrencieri) Career Planning, 21st Century Competencies and Future Jobs 12.02.2021
Altındağ RAM (Altındağ İlçesindeki Rehber Öğretmenlerin katılımıyla) What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 17.02.2021
Etimesgut Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (İlçe Rehber Öğretmenleri) What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 23.02.2021
Erzurum Teknokent Koleji How to Live a Productive Life- Doç. Dr. Rıza Bayrak 3.03.2021
Balıkesir/ Şehit Mehmet Günenç Anadolu Lisesi Cyber Bullying /Öğr. Gör. Bora Öç 5.03.2021
Aydınlıkevler Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 9.03.2021
Osmaniye Teknokent Koleji Robots in our lives 10.03.2021
Erzurum Teknokent Koleji How Should We Use Energy Rationally? 11.03.2021
Osmaniye Teknokent Koleji Innovative Engineering Solutions Developed for Persons with Physical Disabilities 12.03.2021
Adıyaman Teknokent Koleji Social Enterprise and Innovation  15.03.2021
İncek Sevgi Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi Career Planning, 21st Century Competencies and Future Jobs 16.03.2021
Erzurum Teknokent Koleji Self Awareness and Motivation / Ayşenur Irkılata 16.03.2021
Yenimahalle Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Yenimahalle İlçesideki öğretmenlere) What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 17.03.2021
Nene Hatun Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions  18.03.2021
Altındağ Rehber Araştırma Merkezi (Altındağ bölgesindeki tüm liseler Self Awareness and Motivation / Ayşenur Irkılata 19.03.2021
CEZERİ YEŞİL TEKNOLOJİ MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ Career Planning and Future Professions / Ayşenur Irkılata 22.03.2021
CEZERİ YEŞİL TEKNOLOJİ MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 23.03.2021
KAVRAM KOLEJİ What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 24.03.2021
İzmir MEV Koleji Güzelbahçe What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 29.03.2021
Nene Hatun Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi Self Awareness and Motivation  1.04.2021
Yenimahalle Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Yenimahalle İlçesideki öğrencilere) 21st Century Competencies 2.04.2021
Elvanköy İMKB Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions  2.04.2021
Aydınlıkevler Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions/ 5.04.2021
PENDİK TEKNOKENT KOLEJİ MESLEKİ TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ Career Planning and Future Professions  5.04.2021
What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 6.04.2021
Malatya Teknokent Koleji Cyber Bullying  6.04.2021
Meltem Ayhan Koleji Stress Management 7.04.2021
Adıyaman Teknokent Koleji Cyber Bullying 8.04.2021
Keçiören Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi Cyber Bullying /Öğr. Gör. Bora Öç 9.04.2021
PURSAKLAR Rehber Araştırma Merkezi Career Planning and Future Professions  9.04.2021
Yıldırım Beyazıt Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Self Awareness and Motivation / Ayşenur Irkılata 12.04.2021
Mamak Çağrı Bey Anadolu Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions  12.04.2021
Çubuk RAM Career Planning and Future Professions 13.04.2021
PURSAKLAR Rehber Araştırma Merkezi How to Live a Productive Life 13.04.2021
BATIKENT UĞUR OKULLARI Start-Up World and New Generation Companies 14.04.2021
ALTINDAĞ RAM Career Planning and Future Professions  15.04.2021
ESERTEPE MESLEK VE TEKNİK LİSESİ Career Planning and Future Professions  15.04.2021
Malatya Teknokent Koleji Robots in our lives 15.04.2021
Yenimahalle Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Yenimahalle İlçesideki öğrencilere) Entrepreneurship and Innovation / Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Begüm Şahin 16.04.2021
AKSARAY Teknokent Koleji Past, Present and Future of Electric Vehicles 16.04.2021
Meltem Ayhan Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions  19.04.2021
Birecik Teknokent Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions  19.04.2021
Özel Altınküre Teknokent Koleji Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi / Sakarya Robots in our lives 20.04.2021
GÖLBAŞI RAM Champion's Formula 21.04.2021
Çözüm Akademi Formula of Champion 22.04.2021
Pınar Eğitim Kurumları (Yüz yüze seminer) Formula of Champion 22.04.2021
ASO Teknik Koleji Formula of Champion 24.04.2021
Nermin Mehmet Çekiç Anadolu Lisesi Stress Management 26.04.2021
Keçiören Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi Stress Management 26.04.2021
Zehra Okulları How to Live a Productive Life- Doç. Dr. Rıza Bayrak 27.04.2021
Çubuk RAM What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 28.04.2021
GÖLBAŞI RAM What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 29.04.2021
Çankaya Faik Güngör Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Working as a Freelancer in the Digital World 30.04.2021
Özel Nene Hatun Anadolu ve Fen Lisesi Cyber Bullying 3.05.2021
Çubuk RAM Self Awareness and Motivation 3.05.2021
Data Koleji What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 3.05.2021
Yenimahalle Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi (Yenimahalle İlçesideki öğrencilere) Stress Management 4.05.2021
Kampüs Koleji What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 4.05.2021
GÖLBAŞI RAM Career Planning and Future Professions  5.05.2021
İzmir Teknokent Koleji Being Your Own Leader 5.05.2021
Çubuk RAM Social Enterprise and Innovation  6.05.2021
Seviye Koleji Formula of Champion 6.05.2021
Batı Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions  6.05.2021
ŞEHİT ÖMER HALİS DEMİR ANADOLU LİSESİ Career Planning and Future Professions / Ayşenur Irkılata 7.05.2021
Kariyer Koleji Formula of Champion 7.05.2021
Batı Koleji Formula of Champion 7.05.2021
Altındağ BİLSEM- Mamak BİLSEM Career Planning and Future Professions  10.05.2021
Açı Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions 11.05.2021
Nazime Özlem Koleji Formula of Champion 17.05.2021
Batı Koleji Working as a Freelancer in the Digital World 17.05.2021
Açı Koleji What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 17.05.2021
Bahçelievler Anadolu Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions/ Ayşenur Irkılata 18.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Introduction of Mechanical Engineering Introduction 18.05.2021
Zehra Okulları Career Planning and Future Professions  20.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Introduction of Software Engineering 20.05.2021
Data Koleji Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 24.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 24.05.2021
Seviye Koleji Robots in our lives 25.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Career Planning and Future Professions  25.05.2021
Zehra Okulları Stress management 26.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Robots in our lives 26.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Formula of Champion 27.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 28.05.2021
Kampüs Koleji Bölüm Tanıtımları Introduction of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design 31.05.2021
Kampüs Koleji Bölüm Tanıtımları Introduction of Industrial Design 31.05.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Working as a Freelancer in the Digital World 1.06.2021
Gazi Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Introduction of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1.06.2021
Gazi Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Introduction of Electronic Technology 1.06.2021
Gazi Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Introduction of Software Engineering 2.06.2021
Gazi Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Introduction of Mechatronics 2.06.2021
ANKA BİLİM KOLEJİ Being Your Own Leader 3.06.2021
Gazi Meslek ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Inroduction of Mechanical Engineering 3.06.2021

Public Educational Activities for students under age of 18 (2021-2022 Educational Year).

City/School Seminar Subject Date
Ankara Altındağ Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Future World and Professions 5.11.2021
Okyanus Koleji Practice Exam - University Introduction 6.11.2021
Ankara Lisesi Future World and Professions 11.11.2021
Ankara Lisesi Start-Up World and New Generation Companies 11.11.2021
Ankara Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi olarak How to Live a Productive Life? 11.11.2021
Yamantürk Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Cyber Bullying 15.11.2021
Atael Koleji Career 4.0: How to Guide Generation Z? 15.11.2021
Süleyman Şah MTAL Career Planning and Future Professions 23.11.2021
Etlik Anadolu Lisesi Future World and Professions 24.11.2021
KKTC Career 4.0: How to Guide Generation Z? 25.11.2021
Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı uzman Yardımcıları University Introduction and Trip program 25.11.2021
Çubuk RAM Enjoying Studying with Flow Experience 26.11.2021
Çubuk RAM Career 4.0: How to Guide Generation Z? 26.11.2021
Ankara/Nermin Mehmet Çekiç Anadolu Lisesi Future World and Professions 29.11.2021
50. YIL ŞEHİT UHUD KADİR IŞIK MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ Digital Culture in Generation Z and 29.11.2021
50. YIL ŞEHİT UHUD KADİR IŞIK MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ Digital Culture and Social Media Impact on Generation Z 1.12.2021
Anka Bilim Koleji Future World and Professions 1.12.2021
Özel Kariyer Fen ve Anadolu Lisesi Enjoying Studying with Flow Experience 3.12.2021
Mamak Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Digital Culture and Social Media Impact on Generation Z 6.12.2021
Ahievran Anadolu Teknik Meslek Lisesi Cyber Bullying 6.12.2021
Mamak Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Self-Leadership Strategies for Success in Exams 8.12.2021
Atael Koleji What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 8.12.2021
Ankara Şehir Koleji Career 4.0: How to Guide Generation Z? 15.12.2021
Başkent Örnek Koleji Practice Exam, University Introduction and Trip program 18.12.2021
Anka Bilim Koleji Cyber Bullying 20.12.2021
Keçiören Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions 21.12.2021
Nazime Özlem Koleji Career Planning and Future Professions 21.12.2021
Denizli OSB Teknik Koleji (DOTEK) What Does Business Life Expect from Young People? What awaits Young People in Business Life? 23.12.2021
Farabi Anadolu Lisesi Self Awareness and Motivation 24.12.2021
Denizli OSB Teknik Koleji (DOTEK) How to Live a Productive Life? 27.12.2021
Abidin Paşa Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Money, Money, Money 28.12.2021
Ayrancı Anadolu Lisesi Career Planning and Future Professions 28.12.2021
Data Koleji Technology and the Future 30.12.2021