Our Vision

OSTİM Technical University has set itself the vision of being the "university of industry".

In strong cooperation with business, industry and society; the university of industry covers;

• Providing education, research and application infrastructure and facilities in accordance with international standards to its students, especially in the fields of design and training with latest manufacturing systems and innovative technologies,

• Having the knowledge and equipment required by the competitive business world; A graduate having values as self-confidence, completed self improvement, experience, innovative, entrepreneurial, high cultural awareness and embracing human values.

• Playing an active role to increase science and technology development competency of our country,

• Taking the responsibility for the development of our region and our country by producing original projects and solutions,


Our Objectives

• To be skill oriented and to give priority to gain professional competence in education and training in the university,

• Being learning-centered,

• Ensuring active participation of stakeholders, particularly the industrial sector, students and alumni, in decision-making, implementation and review processes,

• Based on on-the-job learning,

• Establish mechanisms for the development of patent, utility model, industrial design, brand development capacity and royalty capacity on the basis of university's cooperation with industry and operate them effectively,

• Constructing intellectual property capacity, research competence and entrepreneurship & innovation, aiming at economic contribution and commercialization as the main axes of University activities,

• Adopting support for development by ensuring that the production of knowledge at the University is project and research-based as the basis of the research and publication philosophy of the University, and that the information produced allows the application and commercialization.

• Targeting for students to graduate as individuals with high social responsibility and cultural awareness, embracing human values, with self-confidence and completed self-improvement

• Ensure that all qualifications of the university are included in the national database of qualifications.


Our Management and Operation Principles

OSTIM Technical University is governed by the objectives stated in the OSTIM Foundation charter, the objectives and main principles specified in the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the procedures determined by the Board of Trustees and in accordance with the provisions specified in the Main Regulations as below;

• Establishing mechanisms and tools to ensure the active participation of stakeholders, particularly of the industry sector, in decision-making, functioning, feedback and supervision processes of the university,

• Designing academic and administrative structures in accordance with the concept of “University of Industry ”,

• Based on learnering-centered education curricula,

• Designing training programs and processes with a focus on educational attainment and output,

• Focusing on professional competence and prioritizes professional competence in curriculum ,

• Based on learning at work and on-the-job training programs,

• Aiming to develop entrepreneurship and leadership skills in education programs and designs the curriculum accordingly

• Designing graduates as individuals with high social responsibility and cultural awareness, and to design projects based on extracurricular activities,

• Designing the active participation of stakeholders, particularly the industrial sector, students and alumni, in the decision-making, implementation and review processes in designing educational curricula,

• Ensuring students to work in teams with different composition in terms of education, application, project, homework and similar obligations and to develop incentives that enable them to design

• Constructing and operating a governance model based on the principles of corporate governance (fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility) in the academic and administrative management and operation processes of the university, and designs mechanisms to establish sustainable mutual trust,

• Ensuring a university based on academic freedom and freedom of thought, tolerance and tolerance to different cultures and opinions,

• Aiming to ensure that the learners and graduates have the professional and personal competence to work on national and international basis and form the education & training curricula accordingly,

• Providing graduates with the ability to communicate professionally in a common international language and to encourage for second foreign language,

• Whilst forming the university's academic staff; gives priority to innovation, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, economic contribution and commercialization performance with its experience in industry and business world and encourages the teaching staff in this direction,

•Enabling learners to have gains in different fields and designing education & training curricula particularly to enable graduates with different profiles in diploma programs

• Promoting freedom of choice and decision-making by allowing students for mobility between educational programs,

•Designing non-diploma courses and programs appropriately in accordance with the transfer of courses, modules, credits, grades and other components that are learning achievements and elements, and support them with competence attachments.

• Adopting an approach to ensure that the university is visible in national and international ratings and documentation, and designing its mechanisms and tools; placing publications, projects, R & D, intellectual property, economic contribution and commercialization at the center of the University's activities and educational programs,

• Foreseeing that, in principle, knowledge and skill acquisition and knowledge production at the University should be project and research oriented; awarding projects, publications, ideas and product development,

• Based on the reforms of the European Higher Education Area and foresee adaptive mechanisms for international and national updates in this direction (qualifications framework, quality standard, employability, internationalization, mobility, minor, social dimension, dual degree, joint degree, recognition and equivalence in educational curricula and institutional and functional fiction),

• Designing joint training programs for training, internship, mobility, joint degree and double diploma with peer organizations nationally and internationally,

• Developing a policy framework in line with international practices for the recognition of prior learning and designs effective implementation mechanisms,

• Designing lifelong learning mechanisms and instruments in line with the international approach,

• Forms University's governance philosophy and implementation model considering of formal and non-formal education and free learning certification mechanisms and instruments in diploma and certificate programs to allow transfer


Our Ethical Principles

• Supremacy of law

• Academic and scientific freedom

• Freedom of thought and expression

• Respect for community values

• Tolerance to differences

• Academic integrity

• To act in accordance with research and publication ethics

• Commitment to ethical values

• Justice

• Transparency

• Accountability

• Responsibility

• Equal opportunity

• Be against hate crime

• Non-discrimination among members due to gender, social class, ethnicity, political opinion, religious belief, geographical region or country