
Academic Staff

Assist. Prof. Doğan Karadoğan

E-Mail: dogan.karadoğ[email protected]

MYO Logistics Program Head, Dr. Dogan Karadogan; In 1990, he received his undergraduate degree from Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics. In 1995, he completed his master's degree in Dokuz Eylül University Educational Sciences Institute Educational Administration and Supervision Program with Thesis. Later, in 2000, he received his PhD in Educational Administration and Supervision from the same university. Having received domestic and international strategic logistics and supply chain management trainings and participating in certificate programs, Dr. Doğan Karadoğan represented our country in various NATO logistics working groups as the head of logistics delegation. Giving lectures on logistics and supply chain management at various universities and managing many logistics theses, Dr. Doğan Karadoğan has undertaken many logistics projects in both the public and private sectors.

Assist. Prof. Hacı Bayram Bulgurlu

E-Mail: [email protected]

Dr. Hacı Bayram Bulgurlu graduated from Gazi University- (AİTIA- Finance)-Ankara, 1974-1978. He completed his master's degree in 1991 at the University of Birmingham, England. The subject of the Master Thesis is “Path to Europen Monetary Union.” He received his doctorate from Konya Selcuk University, Department of International Economics, with a thesis on the comparison of developments in the direction of "The Place of Dollar and Euro in World Economy, Relations between Dollar and Euro" (1999-2003). Connecticut University, (USA) (1984-1986), "Diploma in Management Information System in Computer Application" study. He worked on projects at IMF WORLD BANK (1985). He worked at London School Economics (LSE), (England, 1990) "European Community Fund System and Joins to EC". He attended the University of Birmingham in 1989, "Birmingham Business School" and completed the 10-month Diploma Programme. He was a Founding Lecturer at the International Balkan University, which was established in Skopje, Macedonia in 2007. He started as an assistant specialist in the Prime Ministry State Planning Organization (DPT) in 1980. In 2003, he served as the Deputy Head of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Regional Development Administration. Respectively; He worked as a consultant in the Ministry of Development at the SPO between 2003-2018 and as an expert in the Presidency Strategy and Budget Department between 2018-2020. He served as the General Coordinator, Rapporteur and manager in Special Specialization Commissions. He has been working as a lecturer at OSTİM Technical University Vocational School since February 2021.


Lecturer Ayşe Atabey

E-Mail: [email protected]

MYO Logistics Program Manager, Lecturer. See. Ayşe ATABEY; She received her undergraduate degree from Gazi University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Trade in 2017. In 2019, she completed her Master's Degree with Thesis at Gazi University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Trade. After completing his master's degree with thesis, he started his doctorate education in Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Graduate Education Institute, Department of International Trade in 2019 and his education continues. She has carried out studies in many areas such as e-commerce, consumer behavior, smart logistics, logistics service quality.