Please Click Here for Exemption Conditions Announcements
Dear students, the weekly course schedule of the summer school courses is as follows.
The single course exam means that students who will graduate can only complete the course by taking the exam from the course they have previously taken but failed. A single course exam cannot be taken from a course that has never been registered before. Single course exam is possible for one or two courses. In order for the student to request a single course exam, the only obstacle to graduation must be this failed course.
Click Here for Single Course Exam Application Principles
Click Here for Single Course Exam Application Petition
As OSTIMTECH FEAS, we are proud to have reached 100% occupancy level according to the first placement results and to see a significant increase in the scores of all our departments.
Dear students who chose to be with us, welcome to your future, your profession, our faculty and OSTIMTECH.
2022-2023 Academic Year Spring Semester Final Exams Application Principles were discussed by the Faculty Board at the meeting dated 29.05.2023 and it was decided to be implemented as follows.
1. All exams will be held on MS Teams. Students will take the exam with their Teams usernames (name, surname and school e-mail addresses).
2. Exam attendance will be done through students' IDs.
3. During the exam, the cameras and microphones of the students will definitely be open, the exams of the students whose cameras and microphones are turned off will be invalidated (In this regard, it is important that students take the necessary precautions 15 minutes before the exams and be ready for the exam).
4. Exams will be held in groups of 50, and a proctor will be assigned to each class of 50 students.
5. Exams will be recorded electronically
6. During and after the exam, it will be checked whether the exam principles are followed within the framework of the relevant legislation and the necessary legal actions will be taken by the departments in case of violations.
7. Applications such as Turnitin and ChatGPT will be used to check whether academic theft has been committed.
8. Students who fall out of the system during the exam will be taken to the exam within the exam period.
9. Students will communicate the problems they experience during the exam to the relevant department via the fastest means of communication (Whatsapp/Telegram, e-mail).
10. Students who try to take the exams as a guest will not be allowed to take the exam
11. All students will obtain OTUZEM passwords if necessary before the exams. In case of failure to take the exam due to the password during the exam, the exam will be considered invalid and will be finalized as zero.
12. Students will take the exam in an outfit suitable for identification, and all kinds of clothes, accessories (colored glasses, hats, hoods and headphones, etc.) that affect identification will not be used during the exam.
13. Exam documents and records will be sent to the Faculty Secretariat by e-mail and CD with the exam file and will be kept for 2 years.
14. Student exam lists (with cell phone numbers) will be prepared for each course by the department chairs.
15. We wish success to all our students and faculty members in the exams.
Dear Students,
In the wake of the devastating earthquake disaster that plunged our country into grief, online education was offered at our University, as in all universities, with the decision of the Higher Education Council (YÖK). Online education and examination in the aforementioned semester were carried out in accordance with the Distance Education Principles of YÖK. In the process of announcing the developments in online education and examination to our students, it was announced from the beginning of the semester that the final exams are planned to be held face-to-face unless otherwise decided.
During the earthquake disaster, OSTİM Technical University continued education and delivered the support provided by the contributions of our students to the earthquake zone.
Following the normalization period, as authorized by the decision of YÖK, hybrid education was offered at our University on Monday, April 3, 2023, with the decision of the Senate of OSTİM Technical University dated March 31, 2023. As stated in the Senate decision announced in the annex of the general announcement on our website, the statement "It has been unanimously decided that the final exams will be held face-to-face in accordance with the academic calendar" has been clearly announced to our esteemed students on our website and social platforms as of March 31, 2023.
Since the beginning of the process, we have aimed to carry out face-to-face education with our esteemed students and emphasized that our University is open to our students and face-to-face education is encouraged. As a matter of fact, we were pleased to see that a certain number of our students attended the classes, which were hybrid courses given by our instructors both face-to-face and online.
In light of the decision of YÖK dated May 18, 2023, which is announced on their website, YÖK points to and authorizes the competent authorities of the Universities regarding the procedures and principles of the final exams. Regarding the practice of conducting final exams face-to-face, as it has been consistently emphasized from the beginning, there is no change in the OSTİM Technical University Senate Decision dated March 31, 2023, and announced on our website; therefore, in order to carry our students well equipped for the future, considering the dignity of being a university, final exams will be held "face-to-face" on the dates announced on the websites of the relevant academic units. To read the decision of the Senate of our University dated 31.03.2023 regarding the education processes, which is currently available in the announcement section of our website, please click here.
It will be of great help for our students to follow the specific announcements of their academic units, relevant websites, and social media platforms. We would like to inform our students who may face possible difficulties in this process that we are ready to provide relevant support to the extent appropriate, and we wish our students success in the final exam period to be held face-to-face.
OSTİM Technical University
2022-2023 Academic Year Spring semester midterm exams at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences previously planned for April 10-16, 2023 have been postponed to April 26 – May 3, 2023 to avoid any problems students may face while planning their travels (Ramadan Bairam on April 20-23 and May 1st are official holidays in Turkey).
Exams are planned to be conducted face-to-face however changes may be made on the education structure and exam systems based on the decisions by the Council of Higher Education. Students are strongly advised to consider these issues in their exam preparations and travel plans.
Important Announcement!
Dear OSTIMTECH Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Students,
In accordance with the Council of Higher Education letter dated 17.02.2023 and numbered E.12552, the education procedures of our University for the 2022-2023 Spring Semester, after the earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023, which directly affected our ten provinces, are presented below.
Until a new decision is taken by the Council of Higher Education in April, courses at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences will be held online (synchronous and/or asynchronous).
Courses will start on February 27, 2023.
Course registration dates are February 22-24, 2023.
The students who want to freeze their registration for the spring semester will apply to the Department/Faculty secretariat until March 10, 2023, with a petition declaring their situation. In this case, the registrations of the students who freeze their registration will be frozen and this period will not be counted from the maximum education period of the program. However, it will be taken into consideration that there is no "irregular" status in our university while freezing registration. It is important to consider this issue in order not to lose rights in the following process.
Upon application to the faculty secretariat, the unpaid spring semester tuition fees of our students whose first-degree relatives were deceased or whose first-degree relatives' residences were destroyed or damaged in the provinces within the scope of the State of Emergency, and the registration freeze fees of these students who want to freeze their registration have been postponed until the fall semester.
The exams of the students who have documented that they are earthquake victims and who cannot attend the exams of the 2022-2023 Fall Semester on or after February 06, 2023, will be held later.
In line with the provision of "It is essential that midterm exams, final exams and make-up exams are conducted face-to-face" stated in paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the Procedures and Principles Regarding Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education, all exams must be held face-to-face at our University. However, in line with the decision to be taken by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in April 2023, the status of the exams will be announced in a separate announcement.
The publication date of the semester exam grade entry and letter grade to the student has been extended to 10.02.2023 23.59.
Dear students, it is obligatory to have your student cards read when entering and leaving the university. Students who do not have their cards read will not be admitted to university.
To the Attention of Our Students
What is a probation student? How do students on probation understand themselves?
Exemption Applications
Dear students;
We have entered the last week to apply for course exemption in the Spring semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year. We are waiting for the petitions of our students who want to apply for exemption this week..
Dear students;
Add Drop days started on 10.03.2022 and will continue for two days.
TLF 102 Exam
TLF 102 exam will be held on March 3rd -15. 00. Students who want to take the exam must fill the form at the link below. Students who do not fill the form will not be taken for the exam.
Date: 03.03.2022
Time: 15.00 p.m.
Classrooms: 3rd Floor -351
4th Floor -432
Orientation Training Program
On Monday, October 4, 2021;
All preparatory and 1st grade students are invited to the orientation training that we will hold.
Please click for more information.