Department of Economics
Today's dynamic globalization processes require a challenging learning process, to choose from complex alternatives under certain constraints, even in the simplest decision-making stages in both daily life and business and country management. In essence, the science of economics, which explores the conditions and ways of choosing the “best” among the complex alternatives, has become increasingly important all over the world in understanding all these processes.
OSTİM Technical University aims to provide added value both at the regional and national and global level with its graduates in this basic discipline field, thus contributing to national and global development.
Our Contribution Targets to Our Country and the World
Academic Achievements of Our Students
The Department of Economics is a department that provides wide-ranging education, provides students with analytical thinking skills in the field of Economics, and gives effective decision-making responsibility. The effective skills, business theories and problem solving skills offered to students in the undergraduate program strengthen their careers in future business and public sector management. In addition, it provides students with the necessary information technology opportunity to succeed in their environment.
In the Department of Economics, there are basic courses such as micro and macro economics, finance, econometrics and accounting. The student who takes these courses acquires basic knowledge in fields such as economics and finance. Courses such as Mathematics, Management Information Systems and Research Methods are also included in the program to enable students to develop analytical thinking and technical skills. In addition, the curriculum offers advanced elective courses in the fields of international economics and financial institutions to allow students to focus on what they want. Training techniques such as case study analysis, simulations, workshops, conferences and teamwork will be used in the courses in company with new technologies.
Working Areas of Graduates
Students who graduate from the program find the opportunity to work in the private and public sectors. Students are primarily educated in economic institutions and organizations operating at national, international and global levels, and in private companies. At the same time, graduates of this department have all the rights that graduates of other economic and administrative sciences have.
Job Opportunities
Students who graduate from the economics program can be among the people that both the private sector and the public sector are looking for with their qualifications. Thanks to the adaptation of the curriculum to global changes and the language of instruction in English, our graduates can easily find jobs in international institutions / organizations and companies. World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UNOPS, UNDP, etc.), World Trade organization, European Union institutions and organizations, multinational companies and consultancy offices are some of them. Domestically, Central Bank, commercial banks, related ministries, stock companies, non-governmental organizations, research institutions are the places where department graduates frequently take part.