Dear students,
All students, including first-year students, will register for their courses individually. You can check the course registration dates through your OBS account.
Once you complete your course registration, it will be finalized when you click the "check" and "confirm" buttons. After this step, your course registration must be approved by your academic advisor. You can view who your academic advisor is through your OBS account.
After completing your registration, you will not be able to make any changes to your registration until the add-drop period. Therefore, please make sure to register carefully. You can follow the add-drop dates via the academic calendar and through OBS.
Once you complete your course registration, do not email your advisor for approval. When you finalize your registration, it will automatically appear in their system and they will approve it.
However, your advisor may contact you via email regarding any mistakes in your registration or missing courses, so please check your email regularly.
If you encounter any issues with your registration, you can email us with a screenshot of the issue. For the Turkish program, you can reach out to Res. Asst. Hande Nevin Kılıç, Res. Asst. Miraç Lütfullah Gülgönül, and for the English program, Res. Asst. Ahmet Dağ, Res. Asst. Fatih Mercan, and Res. Asst. Kübra Ersarı. You can find the email addresses of all your advisors on the department website.
All workplace education courses will be held at the end of the semester, so these courses will not appear in your schedule. There is nothing you need to do about this course at the moment. Information regarding workplace education will be provided during the semester.
You can find all information regarding workplace education on the department's website under the workplace education page.
Second and third-year students who wish to complete their workplace education during the semester must complete their course registration, have one empty day in their schedule, and send the protocol documents, indicating that they will start workplace training at a company they have found, to [email protected] email address along with their course schedule. The deadline for this is February 7, 2025. Applications for workplace education cannot be made after this date. (The university does not provide company support for workplace education during the semester but assigns students to companies at the end of the semester.)
Separate announcements will be made for fourth-year students who will go for long-term workplace education, and the relevant lists will be published after course registrations are completed.
The Spring 2024-2025 semester course schedules are published on the website, and you can also view them under the department course schedule section of OBS.
For students who have Non-Technical Elective courses in their curriculum, the following courses are offered in our department:
- For the English program: ECON 100 - Introduction to Economics
- For the Turkish program: FSM 302 - Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
Please note that courses outside of our department’s offerings will not impact your curriculum, so please only register for the courses that are available within our department.
For the Turkish program, the course EEM 479 - Renewable Energy Systems is offered as a Technical Elective course in the Spring semester. You can add this course from the pool of Technical Elective courses from the Fall semester. This course, along with any other course outside your curriculum, will not impact your curriculum. Please only register for the courses offered by our department.
For the English program, the course AERO 417 - UAV Design is offered as a Technical Elective course in the Spring semester. You can add this course from the pool of Technical Elective courses from the Fall semester. This course, along with any other course outside your curriculum, will not impact your curriculum. Please only register for the courses offered by our department.
Please remember that you can register for these courses as long as you have sufficient ECTS credits and there is no time conflict with other courses in your schedule.
Older Announcements (Archival)