Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Older Announcements








Dear Students,


You can access the makeup exam schedule for both the English and Turkish departments through the link below.


All your questions regarding the makeup exams can be found in the attached makeup guide. Please refrain from emailing your instructors before reading this guide.


In case of any exam conflicts, inform us by sending an email to this address by January 17, 2025. Notifications made after this date will be considered invalid, and you will not be allowed to take the exam.






24-25 Electrical-Electronics Engineering Final Exam ScheduleYENİ


24-25 Electrical-Electronics Engineering Midterm Exam Schedule


You can access the exam schedule for the courses you have taken in electrical and electronics engineering from the link. The link is open to active updates, please check the link. Check the department web pages for the courses you have taken from other departments. If there is a conflict in your exams, you must submit your conflict petition in person to the incoming documents room on the ground floor no later than 24 hours after the exam time.


Announcement for Graduation Projects Groups


You can access to Graduation projects groups from this link.




Update About EEM104 / EEE104 


The previous announcement for EEE and EEM 104 Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering courses has been cancelled. The course will open in the 2nd Term as normal. If there is a student taking the course, the course has been automatically deleted from the course record. If there is a student who wants to take another course instead of this course, they can send [email protected] an e-mail until the end of the add-drop week.




About NTE Course


The non-technical elective MAR 401 E-Commerce course has been opened. Students who have completed their course registration but want to add the course can add the course during the add-drop week or send an e-mail to their advisor or to [email protected] stating that they want to add the course.
Note: The student must have sufficient ECTS.
Note: The student must not have another course on the same day and time.


About Technical Elective Course


Dear students;
This semester, our elective course pool that we have opened as a department has been updated as follows;



In addition to these courses, when you click on the “list all courses” button on the elective course pool screen, you will be able to see the elective courses opened by other departments in the faculty, namely Software Engineering, Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and you will be able to register for your courses. To access the course schedules of these courses, you can click on the “department course schedule” button from the “additional transactions” button on your course registration screen.


If there is a student who has previously finalized their course registration but wants to change their course, they can add the course during the add-drop week or send an e-mail to their advisor or [email protected] regarding the subject.


Electrical-Electronics Engineering (English) 2024-2025 Fall Semester Weekly Schedule




About 2024-2025 Graduation Projects


Note: Last years preconditions are still valid.


2024-2025 Graduation Projects topics are accesible via PDF file on on this link.


Details of Graduation Projects:


Assist. Prof. Dr. H. KÖSE-Design A Single Phase Power Quality Meter Using PIC Microcontroller


Assist. Prof. Dr. H. KÖSE-Design of A Military SMPS


Assist. Prof. Dr. İ.ÇETİN TAŞ-Automated Retinal Image Analysis for Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques.


Assist. Prof. Dr. İ.ÇETİN TAŞ-Emotion Analysis from Voice Signals (Speech Emotion Recognition)


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ş. GÜLGÖNÜL-Development of Control Systems


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ş. GÜLGÖNÜL-FPGA Applications


Assit. Prof. Dr. A. KILIÇ-Battery management system design and application for electric vehicles


Assit. Prof. Dr. A. KILIÇ-BLDC Motor drive design and application for electric vehicles


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A.G. PAKFİLİZ-Model Air Defence System using PLC Control


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A.G. PAKFİLİZ-Sounding Rocket Measurement Payload


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A.G. PAKFİLİZ-Video Data Transfer in UAVs at Unlicenced Wi-Fi Band


Prof. Dr. İ. ALTAŞ-Mobile Renewable Energy Generator for Remote Areas


Prof. Dr. İ. AVCIBAŞ-Detection of Anomalous Machine Sound


Prof. Dr. İ. AVCIBAŞ-Detection of Computer Generated Images


Prof. Dr. V. YURCHENKO-Design of a Marconi Antenna.docx


Prof. Dr. Y. ATA-Basic optical reciever design


Prof. Dr. Y. ATA-Basic optical transmitter design




Electrical Electronics Engineering (English) 2023-2024 Spring Final Exam Schedule 

Electrical Electronics Engineering (English) 2023-2024 Spring Midterm Exam Schedule 


Electrical Electronics Engineering (English) 2023-2024 Fall Final Exam Schedule

Electrical Electronics Engineering (English) 2023-2024 Midterm Exam Schedule

Electrical-Electronics Engineering (English) 2023-2024 Fall Semester Weekly Schedule   

2023-2024 Selection of Graduation Projects and Project Groups (EEE400) 

The groups that chose the project topics are given below. If there are people and groups who have not chosen a project, they can choose projects that have not been selected yet. The project topics to be selected must be notified to Research Assistant Beyza Eraslan. 


Selection of Graduation Project Groups (EEE400) 

Graduation projects will be selected in groups. In this context, groups of two or three will apply to the number of students specified in the project. It is planned to choose the project after the groups to be formed in two or three are numbered. For the groups to be numbered, Research Assistant Beyza Eraslan must be notified by Friday. 

Selection of Graduation Project Topics 2023-2024 (EEE400) 

Dear students, the form for selecting Graduation Projects has been published. Following the instructions on the form is sufficient to complete the process. You are required to select three (3) different topic headings from the provided list. The results will vary depending on your overall GPA. You can choose any three different topics. If you have worked in groups before, you can continue to work as a group.

The link to specify the courses

2023-2024 Graduation Project Topic Suggestions (EEE400) 

Topic suggestions determined by our faculty members for the 2023-2024 academic year have been published. Senior students are asked to examine the subjects and choose suitable issues. The selection procedure will be written down subsequently. Although the graduation project is a course of the 2nd semester, starting the studies this semester will greatly contribute to the students. Starting the project early will be an important opportunity for students who want to receive support from the TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program. Additionally, it is planned that your work on your graduation projects will be exhibited at the end of the year. We wish you success in your studies and would like you to know that, as faculty members in the department, we will be happy to answer your questions.

Posted Topic Suggestions

  • Modulated Signal Generation in IF Band - 4 people (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Güngör PAKFİLİZ)
  • VHF Band Jammer System Development - 2,3 people (Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmet Güngör PAKFİLİZ)
  • Prediction of wind, solar, load, electricity price etc. by using artificial intelligence methods - 2,3 people  (Assist. Prof. Dr. İclal ÇETİN TAŞ)
  • Object detection from satellite images via different deep learning architecture - 2,3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. İclal ÇETİN TAŞ)
  • Detection of Computer Generated Faces - 2 people (Prof. Dr. İsmail AVCIBAŞ)
  • Morphed Face Detection  - 1 people (Prof. Dr. İsmail AVCIBAŞ)
  • Carrier Monitoring - 3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. Şenol GÜLGÖNÜL)
  • Cam Crank Signal Processing Using Verilog - 3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. Şenol GÜLGÖNÜL)
  • 5G Network Simulation and Analysis -  2,3 people (Prof. Dr. Yalçın ATA)
  • Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Development - 2,3 people (Prof. Dr. Yalçın ATA)
  • Design a Microcontroller based Embedded PCB solution about any Industrial Problem - 2,3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin KÖSE)
  • Design a microcontroller-based control circuit of a three phase 12 pulse thyristor rectifier -  2,3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin KÖSE)
  • Design a multi output 100watt Flyback or Push-Pull SMPS - 2,3 people (Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin KÖSE)
  • Design of a Marconi Antenna - 1 people (Prof. Dr. Volodymyr YURCHENKO)
  • Design of an Electromagnet - 1 people (Prof. Dr. Volodymyr YURCHENKO)
  • Short circuit distance detector with signal processing - 2 people (Prof. Dr. Sinan KIVRAK)
  • BLDC Motor drive design for three wheel scooters - 2 people (Prof. Dr. Sinan KIVRAK)

The format of the report you will write at the end of the term is presented in the link below to show the scope of the work.