Attention to Students Taking ENG 101 – 102!

Students who have scored 70 or above in the Proficiency Exam must fill out the following form correctly for their exemption process to be completed.
Exemption Document Submission Deadline:
The final day to submit exemption documents is Thursday, October 3rd, 2024,
by 17:00.
Please Read Carefully!!!
  • For the additional exemption application, students who scored 70 or above can apply for exemption from compulsory Academic English courses by submitting their exam result photos and exemption petitions. The deadline is Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, by 17:00.
  • Students who scored sufficiently in previous proficiency exams but missed the exemption application process can also apply again using their exam scores. The final day for this is Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, by 17:00.
Click on the links below to apply:
Additional Exemption Application
For any questions, please contact the relevant course coordinators.