Artificial Intelligence Engineering (Turkish)

Course Details and Syllabus

ENG 111 Academic English I
ATA 101 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I
GRS 121 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
UHG 151 Introduction to University Life
BİL 109 Programming and Computation I
TUR 101 Turkish Language I
MAT 121 Engıneering Mathematıics I
MAT 201 Linear Algebra with Engineering Applications
FZK 121 Engineering Physics I


ENG 112 Academic English II
ATA 102 Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II
UHG 152 Building the Future
IYE 128 Workplace Education 
GRS 122 Entrepreneurship Project
MAT 122 Engıneering Mathematıics II
BİL 110 Programming and Computation II
YZL 116 Object Oriented Programming
FZK 124 Engineering Physics II
TUR 102 Turkish Language I


IYU 227 Workplace Application I
ENG 211 Academic English III
BİL 205 Data Structures and Algorithms
BİL 213 Discrete Computing Structures
YZM 204 Introduction to Data Science
SEÇTO 1 Non-Technical Elective I
MAT 202 Differential Equations


IYU 228 Workplace Application II
ENG 212 Academic English IV
YZM 206 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
MAT 204 Probability and Statistics 
YZL 202 Introduction to Database Management Systems
SEÇTO 2 Non-Technical Elective II


IYU 327 Workplace Application III
MHK 301 Law Concepts for Engineering
MAT 301 Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing
YZM 305  Artificial Neural Networks
YZM 303 Machine Learning 
YZM 307 Innovative Artificial Intelligence Applications
YZM 309 Image Processing


IYD 328 Workplace Experience I
YZM 306 Deep Learning
YZL 312 Data Mining
YZL 310 Software Project Management
SEÇ 1 Technical Elective I
SEÇ 2 Technical Elective II


IYD 427 Workplace Experience II
YZM 400 Graduation Project I
YZM 401 Big Data
SEÇ 3 Technical Elective-III
SEÇ 4 Technical Elective-IV
SEÇ 5 Technical Elective-V
SEÇ 6 Technical Elective-VI


IYD 428 Workplace Experience III
YZM 402 Graduation Project II