What is Aerospace Engineering?
Aerospace Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, analysis, testing, development, and production of aerospace vehicles such as fixed wing, rotary wing, rocket, missile, satellite, and maintenance-repair-revision processes of these vehicles. Aerospace Engineering consists of theoretical courses and their practical applications in aerodynamics|astrodynamics, structure and materials, flight mechanics and control, propulsion systems. Aerodynamics|astrodynamics examines the interactions of aircraft and spacecraft with their environment. Structure and materials deal with the effect of forces acting on these vehicles while theyare in motion in air and space. Propulsion systems considers the propulsion power that enables air and space vehicles to move. Flight mechanics and control investigates the compatibility between control inputs and motion outputs to ensure smooth, controllable movement and the stability of vehicles. Aerospace engineering students will be able to develop technical solutions in many areas subsequent to successful completion of courses such as thermodynamics, statics, strength, and dynamics in general engineering field and applied elasticity, aircraft and spacecraft structures, composite materials, automatic control, aerodynamics, propulsion systems in aerospace engineering field as well.
Why OSTİMTECH? What are the Program Outcomes?
Our program aims to graduate aerospace engineers who are technically skilled in design and analysis of air and space vehicles and able to work efficiently in any area within aerospace engineering. Our graduates are trained in the frame of our unique assessment and evaluation system. For students interested in pursuing a subspecialty career, such as aerodynamics, structural design and analysis, stability and control or propulsion systems, we offer a variety of electives in the third and fourth year of curriculum. This gives our students a competitive edge when applying either for competitive jobs and fellowship positions. We also aim to engage each student in scholarly activities such as oral/poster presentations, and publications within OSTIM Technical University as well as in regional/national meetings.